
I am mainly interested in sailing, diving, motorbiking, tennis, skiing, surfing, and computers & technology; nevertheless, I try to experience most of the outdoor sports as much as possible.

I hold a sailor's license from Turkish Sailing Federation, and I took the first place at the Mediterranean-Mersin Sailing Cup in the 4.20 category, held on August 2002.

I have open water diver, advanced open water diver, rescue diver, and dive master certifications from PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors, and I regularly dive at various sites around the world.

I hold an international motorbike license and an Alberta Class 6 license.  I own a Kawasaki Ninja EX500R racing / touring bike, and I enjoy cruising across the province of Alberta.

I play tennis on a regular basis, especially during the summer time, at University of Alberta Tennis Courts.

I ski throughout the ski season at various locations in Alberta, including Jasper and Banff.

I try to surf several times a year at Tofino, British Columbia.

Computers and Technology
I am interested in computers and technology since my first encounter with computers (to be more specific, with Commodore 64).  Since then, I followed developments in the computer field, both hardware and software.


Created by Reha Kiralp